Week 2 – dolphins on Friday

Week 2 Friday 8 June to Friday 15 June

On Friday 15 June I woke with a headache and decided against a morning dip. By midday the headache was clearing – a little – so I headed down to the water. Standing waist deep I looked out to the eastern yellow buoy, about 300 metres away, and saw some black figures moving. Swimmers in wetsuits, I thought at first. But not many swimmers jump out out of the water in an arc. Dolphins!

And then I noticed all the bird-life. And a few fishing boats. I kept wading to keep my eyes on the dolphins. I called out to a dog-walker on shore and pointed to the dolphins. ‘Amazing!’ the bloke called back. I swam a little and then saw the dolphins (and the sea birds) heading away from shore.  Of course, I didn’t have my little camera with me.

Getting dresssed by my bike I chatted with Monica, from the Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club. ‘There were some  dolphins sightings last week,’ she mentioned.

Dolphins are rarely seen this close to shore, except for the morning swimmers (Andrew, Danny, Pam, Karen, Stephen, Mark, Clive, Kevin and another dozen or so of us) who have been wearing warm winter jackets the past month or so.

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